Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hello and welcome to my blog!! As is typical for a working recording engineer, I am wrapping up a long day just a couple hours before most people wake up. In this blog, I hope to share with you technical and artistic tidbits, along with general tips and tricks from my actual recording sessions, to make your recording projects more productive and sound better. This will include a wide range of topics - some rather basic and others highly technical. At times it may be product specific, but will usually trend towards universal concepts. On occasion, if I am feeling nostalgic, I may share some stories from over the years. While this will mainly deal with recording, many of the ideas will apply universally throughout the field of audio and sometimes even video.

With that, the best place to probably start is by giving you some background about myself. I've been working as a professional recording engineer since the mid-80's. In that time, I've had the good fortune of being paid to work at some of the best studios in the world. This includes the legendary Power Station Studios and Quad Recording in New York, along with other well respected studios such as Cove City Sound in Long Island and Sheffield Recordings in Maryland. Beyond my real-world background, I have a strong formal education in recording and actively study engineering on an ongoing basis - just because I love the fact that there is always more to know. I own a production company, serve on the Executive Committee of the Audio Engineering Society's (AES) Washington, DC section, am an adjunct professor at a local college where I teach audio production, formerly served as the Director of Education for a recording trade school and have been a multimedia subject matter expert for a trade school accreditation organization. While I don't want to bore you with too many more personal details, I just want you to rest assured that the information you are receiving is valid and that there is a reason why I have gained a reputation for knowing a thing or two about this subject.

With that.... Lesson number one: "No one person (or source) can know everything about audio. Anyone that claims to know it all is either lying or truly ignorant."

I don't claim to have all the answers. But again, that is one of my favorite aspects of this industry - I will never run out of new things to learn.

This blog is for you and I want to address your areas of interest. With that, please contact me with your questions or comments and check back frequently for new information.

Looking Forward!!!



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